General Status Report: May 26, 2007

I haven’t really blogged much lately, I guess I’ve been too deep in so many other things.
First off, with the help of my friend Chris I have been able to get my garden going the way I want this year and I’m hoping that it actually produces something. Last year was sort of a flop because I gave up on it too early. This year I am committed to it.
Next, ware from the Spring semester at the studio has now arrived back at home, however, due to other events, the photoing and recording of these pieces has not yet occurred. This process has not yet been scheduled. My guild’s spring barn sale was quite nice, I enjoyed being involved, and I heard a lot of useful feedback that will help me with future barn sales (or any other type of sale for that matter). I sold several pieces, which I am happy about. I have a nice little stash to buy clay with now :-). I haven’t gotten back to throwing since things wrapped up at the studio. I want to get back to that sometime very soon, perhaps later this weekend.
During the past week I have been helping my aunt arrange things around her storage buildings as well as in her yard. I have also concluded that I am a bad influence on my aunt. Together we managed to spend over $200 on plants in one trip. On the topic of my aunt, tomorrow (Saturday) we are going to a wild flower hike at Crowders Mountain. I haven’t really had any large amounts of time alone with her in almost 2 years. I think she has missed spending time with me.
Tomorrow concludes the first week of my summer classes. So far things are going well. I took my first quiz tonight and got a perfect score on it, which makes me very happy. Creative Writing is a little more of a challenge than I thought it would be, since I haven’t written anything that wasn’t technical in such a very long time.
I have no clue what the rest of the summer holds for me yet.