Maintaining Old Boots

There is something quite pleasing about oiling and dressing an old pair of boots. I have an old pair of CAT work boots that I have hidden away in a closet for way too long. They were in pretty bad shape when I pulled them out earlier. Some spots were dark brown (almost black) and […]

Wad Author

A few weeks ago I mentioned Doom Builder as a WAD editing utility for Doom maps, but after much unsuccessful attempting to work on WADs, both creating my own maps and editing existing maps, as well as crashing of the utility, I went back diving for a new tool. I came up with Wad Author, […]

Recipes Make No Sense

What is a cup of flour? Densly packed or lightly packed? Perhaps sifted? Volume is no way to measure things like flour, or grated carrot for that matter. So many things in cooking involve air, it is nearly impossible to measure by volume and have the correct amount. Kitchen scales are more likely to be […]

Toy of the Day: Doom Builder

Having played Doom almost nightly for over a year now, Chris and I are quickly depleting the maps available to play. Based on my own interests as well as that feeling of running out of an exhaustible resource I am looking at the option of building some WADs (a collection of 32 maps/levels) of my […]

Majestic Redwood

Okay, so they aren’t quite that majestic yet, but they are working on it, give them another hundred years or so… Then again, Bonsai is quicker with them, maybe they will settle for cute and not majestic?

Biscuit Perfection

I finally managed to make biscuits that were light, soft, and don’t crumble when you touch them. I’ve been trying for weeks and kept getting closer, but always had some problem or another, but now I think I have figured it out. Its all in the way you integrate the shortning.

Lifetime of an AeroGarden

I have had my AeroGarden tomatoes going for several months now. Over a month ago I ran out of nutrient tablets, but a strange thing has happened. Since running out of nutrient tablets the tomatoes are growing better and producing more than they did when the plants were being actively fed. This is making me […]

Hot and Yeasty

Lately I’ve been having fun with a new ingredient in the kitchen…yeast. I have never really tried making breads before recently, I’ve always been told that making bread is hard, and that it is difficult to get them right. I have since discovered that while my mother does not seem to posses the bread making […]