Faces of Academia

All of my instructors have images of themselves available online this semester. ART 114 Art History 1 Mr. Richard Gilbert ART 288DH Studio – Digital Photography Mr. Michael K. Hensdill BIO 155 Nutrition Mrs. Paula H. Dedmon CSC 253 Advanced C# Programming Mr. Alberto Botero PSYC 310 Theories of Personality Dr. Vivian Dzokoto PSYC 421 […]

Academic Communication Issues?

OK, so, everybody remember that academic schedule I sent out last week? Well… apparently my instructors are not obeying those dates. This course, ART-114, is obviously and clearly set to start on February 2, 2009. I was refreshing my Nutrition course in Blackboard, and came across “Art History Survey 1” being active. I clicked  into […]

New Grading System

For all of my college years I became familiar with the standard 10-point grading scale, 90 – 100 = A, 80-89=B, 70-79 = C, etc, but now at Fayetteville State University, I have to get adjusted to a new grading system. The FSU system is a little more difficult to get an A in. I […]

Status Sucks

Today I was thinking about my Status web page and realize that it and its underlying system sucks. This morning I just wanted to make the thing not show a status for my “Message” area and just be blank for a while until I got around to feeling motivated to do something (its the weekend, […]

PSYC 421 Research Project

The Spring 2009 semester is just a few days old and already I have had to select a topic for a research project in Cognitive Psychology. Not having had a lot of interaction with psychology curriculum in a while, so I had difficulty selecting a topic from the list. Originally I selected “Gender differences in […]

My Actual Course Schedule

For Chris, since he asked… this is my schedule (not just a course list). January 8, 2009 – May 8, 2009 Fayetteville State University PSYC 310 Theories of Personality Vivian Dzokoto Online PSYC 421 Cognitive Psychology James Hogan Online   January 12, 2009 – May 12, 2009 Gaston College ART 288 DH Digital Photography Studio […]

CSC-253: Advanced C# Programming

“This course is a continuation of CSC 153 using the C# programming language with object-oriented programming principles. Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming methods, including creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools such as the class debugger. Upon completion, students should be able to design, code, test, debug, and implement objects using the […]

New Favorite Recipe

I have found a new favorite recipe, this is for something really simple though, white bread! http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,194,157185-234194,00.html I substituted sugar for the honey and I amended the directions to include baking at 350 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes. My first try with this recipe today came out as two soft, delicious loaves of […]