Category: Uncategorized
Photos from Crowders Mountain
A few images from King’s Pinacle at Crowders Mountain. My shots: Chris’ Shots It was quite a hazy day, not the best for photoing, especially not when you have to try to view image previews through a glossy LCD.
Back to Herbs
Last night I transplanted out my AeroGarden chili peppers to some outdoor pots. This is my second AeroGarden to reach the end of its cycle, the first was the herb garden which finished up earlier this year. Somehow my gardens have gone from needing my attention every other Saturday to every other Tuesday, which seems […]
Crocs a Hazard As I always suspected… Crocs are a hazard. Maybe this little trend in anti-fashion will now begin to cease.
Unusual, but useful products
I am beginning to believe that all original ideas for products have been used. A few days ago I was thinking that it seems weird that my batteries are all giggling around loose in my camera bag. Today I received the latest edition of PC Photo magazine, and a few pages in was this odd, […]
More DHS Abuse It would seem that the only way to truly go through customs entering the United States without hassle is to go through customs naked.
The Art of James Biggers
THE ART OF JAMES BIGGERS An art exhibit featuring the digital designs of Gastonia native James Biggers, a nationally renowed artist and adjunct instructor at Gaston College, will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 9 at Carrington’s Showroom, 1206 S. York St., Gastonia. Several of Biggers’ works will be available for viewing and for […]
Any chemists in the room?
I have been looking at definitions for certain processes and states that affect ceramic ware, and I came up with the following definitions… I find them a bit confusing. Is there anyone who can save me a few hours of deciphering what these mean (ignoring supercooling, which doesn’t affect ceramics)? Vitreous refers to a material […]
ART390: Final Project Substitution
Series V will be standing in for Series F for the graded project.
Creepy Photography Accessories
Check this out: Right-angle lens for a camera. So many uses, so absolutely unethical!