Party Over

The party is over. The decorations are down, and large quantities of beef and sausage have been consumed. I entered the party with the intention of taking a few pictures during the day, thinking I wouldn’t do more than 50 or so, but at the end of the day when they were all transferred, the […]

Becoming "Social"

In the past few days I joined Digg,, and a few other communal dumping grounds, thinking that they would  help me find my place in the blogosphere, but instead, they are just adding more clutter and becoming another useless tool that I have access to. I wouldn’t want to share my bookmarks with people […]

Rules for Everything

Just when you think that there are rules for every situation, something totally bizarre comes along and rocks the boat. I found a recent sports article very amusing, check it out: Minor League Switch-Pitcher Sets Off Confusion  

Blog It on Facebook

I think I have found the most useless Facebook application ever. Blog It by SixApart (powered by TypePad). It doesn’t seem to do anything unique. It connects to the Movable Type blog installation almost the same way I would manually, and then gives a really simplified editing tool. I don’t entirely get it. If anyone […]

Average Masturbation Per Week

Somehow someone ended up on my blog after searching Google for “average masturbation per week”. The answer wasn’t previously posted on my blog, but I became curious myself, so I did a little research. A survey of 10,000 males returned an average of 6.85 times per week for men between the ages of 20 and […]