I Like Compliments

I received my grade and a note from my sociology instructor this morning regarding my 2nd essay test on the lectures. “Very nicely done, Curtis. You corrected the few flaws I saw in your first paper, and honestly aside from some very minor punctuation and grammar flaws I have very little to criticize here…great paper. […]

Worry About The Test

I just finished my first test in Intro to Sociology and I am a bit worried. I have spent the last 5 days working on and off on the essay test answering four questions. The general idea was that the answers to the four test questions would come from the four lectures that were posted […]


At the moment I am working on an exam for Introduction to Sociology and I find myself somewhat disgusted with how much humans assimilate to social norms. One of the questions on my exam relates to socialization, which as defined by my instructor and the text, is what makes us human. While I agree that […]