California has their earthquakes, midwest has their tornados, we, the wonderful east coast of the United States have hurricanes. In a normal year we barely recognize the fact that they occur. The spin up, live for a few days, blow some stuff around and then they go away. This year is a little odd. We are having about a hurricane per week and we are getting tons of rain, some wind and other assorted goodies from these massive thunderstorms. I used to not mind when the occasional hurricane would blow by my way, but now I have a 33 mile commute each direction each day. This is not fun in rain and wind, especially not with the way I drive.
Hurricane Ivan’s eye passed on to land at about 2:45am, I didn’t know this until about 11AM when I woke up and found myself glued to Weather Channel. Storms are more interesting when they will be passing by your way and possibly be causing problems in your life. I personally do not want any more rain. When I go to class I have to go outside and between buildinds that don’t share a common covering.
I just came back from a particularly long and confusing physics lab, at this point with the hurricane coming closer to us I am contemplating returning home early. I still have another hour left until my next class. It would take extra time to get home from this point because of the excess traffic, but I am starting to think that it would be safer than attempting to wait until late tonight after the rain gets heavy to return. I will decide in a few minutes what my course of action under these conditions will be. I can get just as much out of my Psychology notes that the instructor posts to the web as I can from being in class, so the benefits of staying on campus are not currently justified in the entire safety to education equation.
There is supposed to be rain for the next several days, im not looking forward to it and I would like to return to my nice calm days of summer again. On that same thought, I miss my CPCC classes now. I didn’t even have to leave my bed to take those classes, just do the assignments online and have no physical class to attend. That method would be bad for me though, I need to be out here in the world and be around people near my own age, at least closer than my parents who are currently acting about 5 and 90.
I guess I should do something productive, like revise a draft or analyse a nut…ooooh…chocolate, Ive got things to do I think….