This has been an eventful semester for me, both academically and personally. Now that things are coming down to the last few days and I have only one more exam to take, I am beginning to freak out a little bit and things are getting stressful. The most active thing on my mind at the moment is that Tweedy missed her exams on Tuesday morning. The registrar gave her Tuesday and Thursday for her exams and she consented to allow students to be evaluated on Tuesday, but yet, she was no where in sight. Another thing on my mind is the glaze kilns, I know that several firings have been conducted, but I don’t know the exact content of those firings or if the most recent firing will be completed on time for my evaluation on Thursday at 2pm. I worry that my present ware won’t be good enough and I worry that my big sculptures are too big and simply won’t get finished in time, because smaller pieces will go ahead of mine in the normal studio protocol.
Next up on my issues chart, I have been trying to get a specific course registered at CPCC for the past week. I want to take Creative Writing 1 at CPCC for fun, but because they have no record of my ENG111 (writing and composition stuff) credit, they are unable to admit me to the course and of course it isn’t enough to remind them that I have ENG112 (the next level of english after ENG111) on my record. They apparently need proof of ENG111 to be able to allow me to register for the course. Finally last night I got a response from the director of the department, and I was told to fax my documentation to her and it would be taken care of. I did that, and today, I had no reply from her, and I am still not allowed to enroll in the course. What is a desperate student to do?
Next, It is spring, and this is very obvious to me. I have been so horny in the last few days, I don’t know what to do with myself, I get excited at the tiniest little thing (probably bad wording, but who cares). I want to find something to do to expel my sexual energy that doesn’t involve my hand. I have thought about focusing on working out more and finding more physical things to do, but somehow just the thought of being that physically active makes me feel lightheaded.
Finally, I haven’t worked nearly enough on my personal website or any of my little projects and summer isn’t looking good for them either, because I am planning to spend a lot of time outside doing things like working on my garden, swimming, hiking and whatever else I can find that will keep me out of trouble.