I have the easiest assignment ever in Creative Writing II that is due in a few hours. It is an assignment called “gaudy poem”. It is supposed to be a very showy poem. Using all available literary devices and language techniques to create a poem to showcase the strengths of a poet. I believe I can do this, but I am currently bouncing around between topics and can’t get my mind to settle on one particular topic to write about. In Creative Writing 1 I could usually come up with a variety of things to write about, and could throw together a poem in any form requested in just a few moments. This course isn’t having that effect on me. I feel pressured into fiction, so I have thought about the next chapter of my novel, due next week. I decided that one of my characters is going to be gay, and that one of the central conflicts of the novel will involve his homosexuality as it relates to his interactions to heterosexual men, primarily, his best friend.