Advanced C++ Intimidation

This evening I ran back over my old assignments from my first attempt at Advanced C++ (CSC234) been rereading the original lab I got stuck on that forced the withdraw (well… that lab and the OTHER 18 credit hours [21 total] I was taking at the time). It was a fairly simple lab, just play with some bank tellers, some customers and a few timers, that’s it. A simple, straight forward modeling program. Unfortunately, the lab still scares me and my own original source code makes no sense. I am likely to take a whole different approach to that lab (or whatever has replaced it now) when the course opens, especially having my knowledge of data structures and things now. I feel more prepared than ever to tackle these labs now, mostly because I don’t intend to waste time with things and procrastinate before getting them done, so I will have plenty of time to research, get help, etc. I have thought about this course too many semesters to let it get away now. My self-esteem needs to take and pass this course (honestly, I need an A…I have only gotten one non-A at CPCC and it kills me).

Anyway… whatever I do this semester has to be better than this:

//Written by Curtis M. Kularski
//CSC234 - 85
//Lab 02 - Banking Simulation
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Teller
int timer;
bool isBusy;
void setTimer(int K)
timer = 1+rand()%K;
void decrementTimer()
int getTimer()
return timer;
void setBusy(bool busy)
isBusy = busy;
class Customer
int wait;
int timeInQueue=0;
bool inQueue;
void incrementWait()
if (inQueue == true)
void setTimer()
wait = 0;
int intializeTellers(int, Teller []);
void createCustomers(int, int, Customer [])
int addCustomers(int);
int main()
int i, M, N, K, totalCustomers;
cout << "How many iterations would you like to test? ";
cin >> i;
cout << "\nMaximum customers added per iteration? ";
cin >> M;
cout << "\nHow many tellers will be working? ";
cin >> N;
cout << "\nWhat is the maximum time a teller spends on a transaction? ";
cin >> K;
cout << "\n\n";
int numCustomers = 0, newCustomers=0, numToRemove = 0, freeTellers;
Teller tellers[N];
initializeTellers(N, tellers);
Customer customers[20];
while (i >=1)
//Remove Customers who are done
//Customers enter bank
newCustomers = addCustomers(M);
createCustomers(newCustomers, numCustomers, customers);
//Free tellers are assigned customers, customers removed from queue and tellers isBusy=true, timers set
assignCustomersToTellers(tellers, customers);
return 0;
void initializeTellers(int N, tellers [])
while (N >= 1)
void createCustomers(int newCustomers, int numCustomers, Customer customers[])
int j = 0;
while (j <= newCustomers)
if (numCustomers + j + 1 < 20)
customers[numCustomers + (j+1)].setTimer();
else {cout << "Array Full!"; break;}
int addCustomers(int maxNew)
int numToAdd = 1+rand()%maxNew;
return numToAdd;