ART390 Final Project

Most semesters when final projects and final exams come around, I don’t usually give much thought to those things, I just dive in and do my best at the time, usually scraping by on the deadline. I am really excited about my Digital Photography final project, and am trying to get everything in place and ready to execute it the best I can. I have a new lens coming in the morning, as well as a new memory card so that I can shoot in CCD-RAW format for greater image quality, while at the same time being able to use a greater sensitivity (which with other formats results in grainy images). A lot of my photos this semester haven’t been the best possible quality, because, well.. I wanted some sanity left. I am going to execute the final project with as much precision as possible.  I selected macro photography as my subject, which is something not really covered much in the course, so I have "ordered" a few books on the subject from the art library at UNC. I’m hoping they show up tomorrow with the lens so that I can get started.