I’m not being flaky this time, I have a valid reason for the change, two of them actually. This is the course I originally wanted, but it was full, so I took an alternate, but now I’ve been given a permit. The second reason, it counts towards a core requirement on the psychology degree, whereas the other course was a duplicate requirement (which makes it an elective credit).
So, reflecting my last change of course for the spring semester, here is my complete detailed semester, including the change from Clinical/Counseling Psychology to Cognitive Psychology.
Spring 2009
Theories of Personality [PSYC310]
Vivian Dzokoto
Theories of Personality: An investigation of theories concerning the development and functioning of the normal personality, with attention to empirical findings related to individual adjustment or maladjustment. — 3 hours
Cognitive Psychology [PSYC421]
James Hogan
A study of theoretical approaches and research findings relevant to the complex processes of thinking, linguistic expression, problem solving, and decision making, with attention to the relation of these processes to intelligence and creativity. — 3 hours
Art History I [ART114]
Richard L. Gilbert
This course covers the development of art forms from ancient times to the Renaissance. Emphasis is placed on content, terminology, design, and style. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an historical understanding of art as a product reflective of human social development. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement general education core requirement in humanities/fine arts. — 3 hours
Nutrition [BIO155]
Paula H. Dedmon
This course covers the biochemistry of foods and nutrients with consideration of the physiological effects of specialized diets for specific biological needs. Topics include cultural, religious, and economic factors that influence a person’s acceptance of food, as wellas nutrient requirements of the various life stages. Upon completion, students should be able to identify the functions and sources of nutrients, the mechanisms of digestion, and the nutritional requirements of all age groups. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement for transferability as a premajor and/or elective course requirement. — 3 hours
Digital Photography Studio [ART288DH]
Michael K. Hensdill
This course provides the opportunity for advanced self-determined work beyond the limits of regular studio course sequences. Emphasis is placed on creative self-expression and in-depth exploration of techniques and materials. Upon completion, students should be able to create original projects specific to media, materials, and techniques. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement for transferability as a premajor and/or elective course requirement. — 3 hours