Change to Spring 2009 Schedule

I have made some changes to my Spring 2009 schedule.

I have now officially added ART 288 DH (Digital Photography Studio) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3PM until 5:45PM.

I have dropped CHM 131 & CHM 131A (Introduction to Chemistry w/lab). I do not need the stress of such a heavy course in an already loaded schedule, and it will be nice to not have a class that late at night (until nearly 9PM on T and R).

The Digital Photography Studio course has been added because it is a course I am very interested in, but wasn’t on the original course schedule for the spring semester. Actually, it wasn’t even on the schedule until I requested that it be added after there was a late addition of a regular Digital Photography 1 course to the schedule.


If anyone is interested in taking the Digital Photography 1 or Digital Photography Studio courses with me, there are 4 seats left in the former and 3 in the later. The Gaston College CRNs are 014458 and 014578, respectively. The courses are in the same room at the same time.