A Little More Registration Drama

  1. Got a new email from my old advisor this morning, telling me that to get my PIN I should call her between 1PM and 4PM on the 14th. Umm… ok, why did you not email it when you got it? And what’s this call thing? I was told I could get my PIN by e-mail.
  2. Also got email from the Distance Education counselor and it would appear she is on my side, she is attempting to pry my PIN out of my old advisor.
  3. This is my last semester with my old advisor, I was issued a new advisor by the department.

I am really hoping that something positive happens later today, either by getting my PIN from my old advisor or by getting it from my new advisor or the DE counselor.

The classes I need are filling up fast, so I’m going to be pissed if I have to get permits issued for each one (or have the DE counselor get them issued).

I picked FSU because I liked the program design better than at other institutions, but as I stated previously, the distance education aspect is getting more annoying and I feel helpless being so far away from the campus.