Counselor on Crack?

To get a form processed to allow me to finish my degree in Spring I had to contact an individual who is identified as the “Academic Counselor for the College of Arts and Sciences”. I don’t know if she is having hump-day blues or what, but she managed to thoroughly screw over every piece of documentation that she touched for me. The objective of this exercise was to eliminate 30 extraneous credit hours of GTSU (General Transfer Electives), which would give me space back in my 180 hour credit cap to breath next semester. 

First, and most obvious to me, she made the following errors regarding courses on my record:

PSYC 400 – is listed as Complete, it is actually In Progress.
PSYC 343 – is listed as Complete, it is also In Progress.
SOCI 299 – listed as In Progress, it is "Completed" (Transfer)

Next, when adding back credits to my degree audit to ensure that there were credits to cover for courses that had been waived (University Studies and “Critical Thinking”), she managed to add a GTSU 200 course to fill the blank 3 hours. Only one problem with this, we just did the paperwork to have all 10 GTSU courses (30 hours) removed from the record, there are none left to use on this. I guess she didn’t see my spare CSC 202 (C programming), or HIST 211  (US History to 1865) or any number of other 3 hour courses just laying around being lazy on the transcript.

Finally on the degree audit, less noticeable though, my declared elective for the sociology minor, SOCI 333 (Introduction to SPSS, the reason I’m becoming a Sociology minor), is not noted.

The other thing she did was on the exclusion form itself, she marked part of the courses for exclusion as being from Gaston College, none were. All of my Gaston credits are actually correct, it was the credits from CPCC and some from UNC-Charlotte that were not transferred and needed to be removed.

Ugh… a lesson to all undergraduate students – know your course catalog, know your transcript, be your own advisor and always check the work of anyone who does any paperwork for you.