Changing E-mail Approaches
Recently the email system that has served me well for many years has begun to fail me. A variety of the email addresses that I have used legitimately in the past have started turning up as receiving SPAM.
I suppose a good place to start is at the beginning, since not everyone may be familiar with my email system. My personal domain, was implemented several years ago with an email system allowing wildcard access, meaning that I could use whatever username I wanted on the domain for a particular use, for example if I was to conduct a transaction with Acme Rockets Inc, I might use as my contact address for them, which gets forwarded back to my main email box. Up until now, trusted companies have never turned up as having their assigned address used for SPAM. This is not a dictionary attack as would be suspected with the way my mailboxes are operated, but certain specific addresses have been attacked. I do not have reason to believe that the databases of those companies were breached, but I do believe that some of the unencrypted email traffic has been sniffed somewhere at some common point in order to determine those addresses. I am not sure what I am going to do as a long term approach to correcting that specific problem, but for the moment I am intending to reassign those organizations to new addresses and hopefully get the recent waves of SPAM to stop.
At the moment I am also evaluating a greater change in my e-mail configuration, for one I am considering moving to a system that only accepts pre-specified addresses as valid delivery addresses and using mail rules, the mail will be sorted into folders. I am presently experimenting with how well this works with my subscribed email. It is quite a slow experiment to conduct, but once it is finished I should be able to implement it pretty easily, as I will have generated a list of addresses that are needed and such. At the moment the experiment is on a separate domain that previously did not have email support, in an attempt to minimize disruptions and any false positives or conflicts with existing email configuration. This is fairly complicated as it requires me to reverse nearly my entire email system. I have to remove my blacklist and create a whitelist in its place.
I must say that the system I have utilized so far has worked pretty well and is only lately falling victim to some strange circumstances, including receiving email to addresses that seem to be pretty random ( for example), and address that have been used publically before that are being picked up by bots and such and used against me. I have tried a variety of things, including using a single purpose email account on my other domains to try to have all of my junk mail in once place, but that didn’t take hold too well and was too hard to manage (some places still send email from a lot of different addresses). When this system was initially created it was created with the idea of both human mail as well as machine mail going to the same place, only separated by the address issued to each party, but it became too confusing for the humans, so the systems had to split. I have grown to like the two (actually, now 3) places for email, it makes things make more sense when I am working on a particular task. Human, machine and academic mail are now all separate, but it doesn’t bother me anymore.
I find it funny that when the existing email system was put into place many years ago people told me I would get bad dictionary attacks, but so far nothing even close has occurred. A few random addresses, and a few companies misusing information, but otherwise not a bad run for a system that the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) said was a bad idea. No address, not even my main account address (which is pretty simple) has been victim to any kind of logical or systematic attack.
P365: Day 129
GITI As An Application… Again
I am once again attempting to build GITI as an application, this time with more seriousness than my previous attempts. The problem I am running into is that I am discouraged from developing it in C# because there is already a fully build PHP version that works pretty well. The PHP version is HUGE compared to things I can easily do in C#. This makes the desire to move to an application base less than the desire to continue development in PHP, even though I know that I need something on the desktop side to compliment the web based version.
In web land it is incredibly simple to make everything very specific because the user is always on a different page, but on a desktop application the same user interface is used for most things (otherwise, it becomes a mess), so things have to be general. So far I am working with this by having a basic class for “GITIObject” and then I extend it with things like “ClassObject” and “AssignmentObject”, but I am still having a hard time, because things are so different. What I have learned so far today is that GITI has two distinct classes of items it handles. The first class is in the way of education assignments, schedule items and todo items, collectively they could be called “Activity Items”. Next there are the things like keys for software, address book contacts, recipes and such, those are “Data Items”, things that don’t change state and do not need to be brought to the user’s attention unless they are asked for.
At the moment I am attempting to work with all of those items using a GITI application, and just with the Activity Items by using a smaller application I am working on, called “GITI Notify”, which is basically a glorified listbox that updates with information from GITI about current assignments and schedule items.
One day, GITI will work on desktops and the web.
P365: Day 128
P365: Day 127
Danner Rocks!
A few days ago I began wondering why my newest pair of Danner Ft. Lewis didn’t have the same tags as my older pairs, since they are made with Gore-Tex also. I sent an inquiry to Danner to determine if there was a way to obtain the tags and received a response the next day. The CSR asked for my address and told me that she would send out some to me. They arrived today, and I just finished installing them on my boots. I can’t believe the level care Danner puts into their customers, they are truly awesome.
P365: Day 126
More Bothersome Bags
One of the pre-requisites I have set for myself on getting a new laptop is that before I acquire the hardware I must first locate a suitable bag for the new device. This is turning out to be harder than picking the laptop itself, which after weeks of looking at technical information and seeking details about battery life, wasn’t a simple task.
First of all, I should mention my needs. I need something in the backpack class, but it must not be enormous. If it has room for an SLR with attached lens, then woohoo, but it isn’t required. The bag must cost less than the supplemental 12 cell battery for the laptop ($124), preferably a lot less. I would like the bag to be either yellow, graphite/charcoal, or black. I do not necessarily have to have a bag specifically designed for a laptop, as I intend to get the Toshiba recommended sleeve.
I am finding all of the bags I have seen recently are huge, ugly and designed for 17″ laptops. I am intending to purchase a laptop that is 13.3″, which is somewhat smaller than the 17″ size, so therefore, I need a bag that is smaller as well (not to mention not wanting to look like I am going on a hike any time I have the laptop with me).
Any ideas on good places to find the type of bag I am looking for? If anyone says “Endless”, I’m going to ban them from the blog.