Health Annoyances

I am trying my absolute best in my Personal Health and Wellness course, but for the past 3 weeks I have scored 99 out of a possible 100 on my weekly test. I am happy the scores are high,but am slightly pissed at myself because I can’t manage to push them over the 100 mark… and it doesn’t make me feel any better that I have 38 points of extra credit…. the extra credit in my world is supposed to be an extra cushion that will let me have a worry-free final exam session, not make up for mistakes during the semester. I guess if I am going to keep this stress-free I’m going to have to chill a bit.

One thought on “Health Annoyances

  1. Let it go Curt. I know it sucks but, I know you are doing great! Perfection, as nice as it may seem, and as much as we may want it, is never goin to happen… it can’t. Reach perfection and where else it there to go?

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