Early Grade Madness


So far in this course I have 2 grades, an autobiography discussion post and an extra credit assignment which involved replying to the instructor’s message. GITI’s calculation of such grades is a bit imprecise.  If 100 is an A+, and 92 is an A, what is 600? In this particular course the grading is based on a points rubric, something that GITI doesn’t quite have a grasp on. GITI does better at a weighted course, where it will provide the final average in this situation as only 105%, not 600%. For a points based system the correct score at the moment should be something like 6%, also not 600%. GITI currently interprets points-based courses as being only out of their existing, scored material, to help correctly construct an average for a class, which assists in determining outcomes. Being told that 6% of a course’s points have been obtained is rather clumsy.  GITI has operated its points-based system this way since it was created (and for 2 years it only supported points).

I suppose the proper course of action is to list the amount of points that have been earned as well as the present average based on work completed. Ah, more coding work for the weekend.