My papers for the Fall 2011 semester are now released. All papers are turned in to their respective instructors. You may retrieve my papers for reading by clicking on the PDF file of each document below.
Changes in the Classification of Homosexual Behavior Introduction to Lesbian and Gay Studies (WGST 2050)
Absent Masculinity in Feminist Discourse on Sex Work Transnational Feminism (WGST 5050)
History of Queer Symbology Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Studies (WGST 2050)
Social Construction of Sadomasochism and Fetishism Theoretical Approaches to Sexuality (WGST 6601)
Gay Invisibility vs. Gay Identity Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Studies (WGST 2050)
Sociology of Masculinity: An Overview Tutorial in Sociology: Masculinity (SOCY 6895)
STATISTICS: 20,761 total words. 68 pages. Stats file.
[This is an update to post:]
Posted from Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.