4th Annual UNC Charlotte Philosophy Conference

All of the materials for the 4th Annual UNC Charlotte Philosophy Conference have been released. This will be my first presentation at an academic conference. It is somewhat exciting to see my name and my paper title appear in the schedule for the event. I am also very nervous and unsure of myself. It helps […]

Visualizing Fall 2012

  I accept that WGST 6800 is a guaranteed course on my schedule, as I have opted in to it (and am becoming the guinea pig for the directed readings course). Now, that leaves me with 9 hours to select. I can pick 3 courses from the blue and red groups.

Fall 2012 Registration

Next Monday I am due to register for classes, and I have idea what I want to take. The image above is my current planning guide as it appears in GITI. There are several classes that meet requirements in the Cognitive Science program, such as Linguistics, Intelligent Systems, Cognition and Philosophy of Mind. There are […]

Busy Week

Just like last spring I have a  busy week coming up again. I have tons of stuff I have procrastinated on a little, and as a result I have to catch up on a lot for this week. Monday – work with my group to build a poster for my Human-Computer Interaction class. Due Monday […]

Queer Theory Paper Proposal

I have written my proposal for my paper in Queer Theory. Does this seem doable or am I going to make myself crazy going in theoretical circles trying to prove something that is just nuts?   Thesis: Social categories define behaviors and self-concept for individuals who are placed into those categories by social forces, regardless of […]

Can computers think?

Can computers think? It seems like a simple question to answer, obviously they cannot, right? The question I pose in response to this is, can humans think? It seems obvious as well, humans are conscious and make decisions, therefore, humans think? Where do humans become special and distinct from the capabilities of computers? Human brains […]

My Next Academic Year

Above is my schedule for the next academic year as it stands (as of this morning). Fall 2012 has 15 hours assigned to it at the moment, but that will have to change to become a sane schedule (less than 12 hours). These schedules are currently reflective only of my presently enrolled programs (WGST and […]

No Summer 2012 Course Schedule

A few days ago it occurred to me that I have no logical reason to take summer courses. I am not rushing toward graduating, there are no courses of special interest to me and really no compelling reason to seek out courses to take this summer. So, with the logic of the decision to not […]

Spring 2012 Paper Topics

Queer Theory: Effect of Social Labels on Behavior and Self-Esteem This topic is a little abstract and doesn’t apply to queer theory as strongly as it probably should, but I feel like I can do a lot with it. Queer theory is focused ‘queering’ everything, from identity labels to the concept of gender itself. Through […]

Instructor Trouble

I am not accustomed to feeling like there is no point for me to be in a classroom, and am even less accustomed to feeling like I cannot talk to the instructor that has created the issue about my concerns. In the class in question there is a general encouragement for graduate students to not […]