Potter Going Crazy

It is 0330, I should be asleep right now, but as much as a try, I can’t fall asleep, all of these thoughts are converging on my tiny brain at once. With such a short time remaining (14 days) it is becoming more of a challenge to keep these thoughts under control. I am going […]

One Stupid Person Ruins Everything

This evening I am saddened by news that my favorite place to hike has been mostly destroyed, by fire, likely due to the careless actions of a smoker. The peaks at Crowders Mountain usually burn at least once per year due to lightning, but the peaks have always survived and recovered from that and likely […]

Discovering the Perfect Sandwich Bread

Ever want a midnight snack and discover that you want a sandwich, but that you dont want a WHOLE sandwich, or you want a little more than 1, but not 2? Well… ive fallen in love with a different type of bread that is AMAZING! For my party on December 25th, 2005 I wanted a […]

Making it to the Top

On Tuesday, November 8, 2005 Chris and I went back to Crowders mountain to go all the way to the top of King’s Pinnacle, the secondary peak at Crowders mountain. We began our hike at around 3:30pm, giving ourselves 2.5 hours to get to the top and back. We went up in daylight, but by […]

Hiking at Crowders Mountain

Yesterday was a very eventful day for me in comparison to most other days for me. At a little passed noon Chris called me and asked if I want to talk to him in person in a quiet location. My first thought was his room or on a drive somewhere, but for once he was […]

Perfectionistic Murder

My perfectionistic nature finally caused me problems tonight. In an attempt to create a ceramic piece on the wheel tonight I managed to make an almost complete piece collapse into absolute ruin. The piece was taking the shape of a bowl, and getting to be almost completely symetrical and smooth, except for a small defect […]

First Throw on New Wheel

I just completed my first thow on the new wheel, it went fairly well. I had minor issues getting started on the new wheel during the centering phase. The bat came off of its mount (I guess I didn’t have it secured well). I considered removing the bat all together (as is reccomended when getting […]