What to do after graduation?

I am coming to the end of my undergraduate career. In 2 weeks I will start the last 4 classes toward my major, completing my Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree. I have made a small change to my degree program that will result in me graduating in spring though, I have added a Sociology minor. I can not at this time rationally explain why I have done this, but honestly, its too late to back out now. I am rather glad I have another semester to go, as it gives me time to gather letters of recommendation, take the GRE and various other little tasks that need to be done.

I have several options for what to do after graduation in May.

  1. Master of Arts in Academic Psychology, East Carolina University – continuing on my same academic track as I am on now, except focusing more on theory than application, but would still be a good start for me. I would be qualified to teach in community college psychology programs as well as limited counseling roles. This program is completely online.
  2. Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, UNC-Charlotte – this is my second choice option, but it is becoming my first choice. It would put me at the same school as Chris and put me back in an actual classroom. It is in some ways better than the options at ECU. I would be more directly in the program that I want to be in.
  3. Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences, UNC-Greensboro – basically a masters degree for becoming a librarian. Its a relaxes sort of thing. The classes are a combination of on-campus at UNC-Charlotte as well as online.
  4. Master of Liberal Arts in Liberal Studies, UNC-Greensboro – this option is sort of a fall-back if I can’t get into the other programs. It is a curriculum of world cultures and a variety of artsy-fartsy (thanks Mrs. Hersey for that phrase) related programs.
  5. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art: Concentration Unknown, UNC-Charlotte – This option is one that I would love to consider more seriously than I currently feel that I can. To seriously think about my future career I have to move forward with options 1 or 2. This program will put be on track to a creative future, but I’m not sure its one that I can convince myself to live with. It would be a lot of work for not a lot of benefit in the end, but in some ways I wonder if I would be happier in this path. This program would also place me as on the same campus as Chris. This idea is quickly finding its way to the #3 spot and not #5.

There are so many factors to consider and I don’t really know where to begin. I know I have to make a decision soon, as graduation is in May and I need to be prepared for applying to the programs starting in January/February 2011. I want to do something that matters, but at the same time it has to be something I can stick with and something that ultimately will make me happy and perhaps reveal truly who I am.

GITI v3 Module Preparedness

So far not a lot has been done on GITI v3. Chris has taken charge of the new back-end, most notably, giving me a sane framework to work from. It’s like having a really stripped down version of .NET, except it runs on PHP (so far it handles my database calls a lot more efficiently). I have not yet picked a menu system or even decided exactly what v3 will look like. Many of my readers will likely recall a lot of the really goofy early designs for v2. So far I’m not doing any better than that for v3 and honestly, I was hoping for some of Chris’ brilliance to pop out in the form of a really cool menu system. Guess I’m just going to have to locate one that can be modified to work in GITI. 

Anyway, the point of this post isn’t the GITI problems, its to point out the readiness status of modules for the new version.

Education – first module to be added to v2 and will be the first module I try to convert for v3 as well. Without it, GITI just isn’t GITI. It should be easy enough to audit the code and make it compatible with v3 and just bring it over for the most part. There are some additions that need to be made such as making it support the idea of multiple academic careers. As I am planning to soon be a graduate student, this addition means a lot to me.

Schedule – I think at this point its safe to call this module “trouble”. I believe the intention for this module is to rewrite it before moving it into v3. This is the type of rewrite that involves throwing out the book and starting from a new concept. The module is severely limited in what it does and in many ways is too one dimensional.

ToDo List – v3 will be the demise of the traditional TODO module that was nothing more than a glorified notepad with dates attached. The ToDo List module is in its infancy in v2, but should be easy enough to mature into a functioning module for version 3. Chris has taken a liking to this module, mostly because he wants to have the ability to assign todo items across users. I suspect I will regret letting him take on that module as it will give him much power over how that works, but I’m willing to see what he does with it.

Footwear Collection – This module is mostly feature complete in itself. There are a few tweaks that need to be made, but otherwise the module is good to upgrade and transfer. Not shocked, its Chris’ module.

Status – I really want to see this module develop more, so I will be working on it before it is scheduled to be moved. I like the general function of it, but I want to see more power from it. I want more ways to be able to update my status when away from the Interface, and I want tagging ability to have discretion over destinations, in some ways I want to be able to utilize it a bit as a journal, say if an update is tagged as #PVT. It would also be cool to make something more robust as far as management, perhaps the ability to cancel a status by sending a follow up message to the system commanding it to remove the previous entry.

Library – this is the abandoned wasteland of GITI. I often fail to remember to enter things in it and in general do not find it useful. If I did not believe it was possible to have it be useful, I would likely remove the module, but I see it as having potential and having a purpose. I will be working on expanding the module to be more useful to all of its users. I have been promising some people a better version of library for a while now. I also have to make sure that I include some type of adaptive CSV or plain text bulk input, as some users have other lists which need to be converted to the GITI Library system. A lot of users could benefit from check-in/check-out functionality, which I seem to have misplaced since the old code.

Cookbook – This module will be moved to v3 almost as it is now. Its not complete, but its complete enough to be fully functional. The module will eventually improved, but it is a low priority in the v3 upgrade.

Journal, Address Book, Keychain – These three are pretty much feature complete and other than an update for their current level of usefulness they are ready to be upgraded. Keychain is likely to receive an additional feature set upgrade and application counterpart soon after v3 is completed.

System Modules: Item Journal, Tags – Item Journal al is called upon by numerous modules and thus, it is important that it is ready. Tags was nothing more than experimental in GITI v2, having no real use or purpose, but some GITI items did receive tags. My plan is to ask Chris to work with me on integrating these two modules into the framework in some way, perhaps as part of his grand plan for things to allow all modules to call them with minimal difficulty.


I originally wanted to have things at least partially functional by 10 days from now, in time for the new semester, but things have gotten behind and will likely have to be worked on throughout the semester. If its great and ready by Christmas I will be happier than if its rushed and kind of lame and works by convocation.

Proper Licensing and Use of Tomatoes

Currently there is a bit of anger between my father and grandfather (mother’s side) because of some issues over the proper use of gift tomatoes that were given by my uncle. My uncle offered to let both my father and grandfather pick tomatoes from his garden since he has gotten all of them that he wants for the year. My father has been grabbing a few tomatoes each week, primarily for use as his breakfast each morning. My grandfather had been mostly ignoring them because he has his own garden. At some point my grandfather began selling his own tomatoes to a local restaurant. Today he ran out of tomatoes and went into my uncle’s garden, picking all of the rest of the remaining tomatoes to sell to the restaurant, with no compensation to my uncle.

Does my grandfather’s use of the tomatoes violate an implied license on the proper use of the tomatoes?

A Real Post About iPod

The previous blog entry was composed and published from the iPod itself, and thus, is a very minimal entry.

The first thing I noticed about the iPod was that Apple doesn’t seem to want users to get to their products. It took Chris and I several minutes to get the device out of its plastic shell. Second, perhaps the most annoying aspect of the device, is it must connect to iTunes. I didn’t love being asked for my billing information upon first connecting the device, but I went with it.

After getting everything going I started looking for apps. I tried to recall every app that I had seen that I had thought was interesting over time. I remembered a few. I’m trying new things and working towards determining what my functional level with this device is going to be. I have already deleted one app from my device, AIM. I have decided to replace it with Meebo, which seems to be a lot less annoying and a bit more useful.

Currently installed applications include:

  • Blackboard Mobile Learn – an app for accessing the Blackboard server at Fayetteville. Will greatly improve my connectivity with my courses this fall.
  • Twitter – duh, an app to interact with Twitter. Post things, read posts, reply.
  • Flickr – not very useful for me as I don’t upload on the go, but in general is pretty sweet for reviewing my photostream
  • MyRadar – National Weather Service radar images, nice for checking out what clouds are doing
  • Kindle – Amazon Kindle reader
  • Meebo – Multi-network instant message client, since Purple doesn’t travel yet.
  • BlogWriter – a minimalistic blogging tool. Only does one account, but I think its pretty neat for simple stuff.
  • Bookmarks – delicious bookmark app. Doesn’t work with Safari at all, but isn’t too bad, as it keeps all of my links with me.
  • Google – Google search, Google Apps
  • Nikon Learn and Explore – Photo glossary as well as general info for most Nikon cameras. Nice substitute for some of the manuals.
  • SiriusXM – listen to web-based XM streams on the go
  • UPS – Track packages, schedule pickup
  • BodyFitness – workout guide and personal exercise journal
  • Battery – the iOS battery meter sucks, so have to use this.



The only thing about the device that makes me feel limited is the design of the touch system. It only seems to respond to human touch, so a normal stylus will not work, I am going to have to obtain a special stylus for such things. There are some things that seem missing, such as an IR port, but otherwise, I’m pretty happy with the device.

iPod Touchiness

Due to a very kind friend I now have an iPod Touch. I have spent a few days with it and I must say that I love it. It is much different than what I expected. It is so much more than a music player and even beyond a PDA. The device is so versatile. The main reason I like it is all of the apps. I have downloaded apps for Twitter, flickr, NWS radar, UPS tracking, Kindle, and the Blackboard Learning Suite. Oh, and one for blogging, which I am currently using. In so many cases it can replace a laptop for basic tasks, and it stays out of the way most of the time. I was a little skeptical of getting the device at first because it is an Apple and I had before sworn to never use one of their devices. So far I am hooked. I do find myself wanting a Bluetooth keyboard or stylus input.

One thing I don’t understand is why people have so many typos on these devices.

Canning Produce

Home Made Vegetable Soup
A few days ago my uncle went on vacation and told me to keep an eye on his garden, to harvest anything that was ready. Well, there was more vegetables ready for picking than I thought there would be, so some preserving techniques were required, this is the result, eleven jars of home made vegetable soup. Chris and I picked, Chris juiced the tomatoes and I sliced the okra and corn.

RT: I need Friends

It has just occurred to me while looking at Facebook that I need to venture out and find more people to have in my life. Everyone on Facebook is someone from high school. I have always been sort of reserved and as a result have not made any new friends lately. I guess unless I’m forced to be around people, I don’t make friends very easily. In high school I was around everyone for 4 years by force, and I suppose I became accustomed to their presence. I seriously need new people to explore, and my interpersonal communication skills are a bit rusty.

Current GITI Modules

The current active user-visible modules are as follows:

  • Address Book
  • *Administration
  • #Email
  • Cookbook
  • Education
  • Schedule (+v3)
  • Footwear Collection
  • Health
    • Exercise
    • Nutrition
    • Sexual Activity Log
  • Library
  • Journal
  • Notepad
  • Documents
  • Software Keychain
  • #ToDo
  • ToDo List
  • Inventory
  • Site Engine Administration
  • Project365
  • Weather
  • Home/System
    • Games
    • Time
    • About


In addition there are other modules that the users do not directly interact with that provide inter-module functionality:

  • Item Journal
  • Tags
  • Quick Access
  • *Fields


# = A module to be discontinued and hidden

* = Not truly a module, but part of the structure of GITI

Planning GITI v3 – Continued

In writing the previous post, I reviewed a few of my past posts about GITI, specifically the ones mentioning changes in approach or some type of concept for its development. A lot of concepts were out of my reach before, but now I feel more prepared to take on those things.

A module I have considered adding is ‘History’, which would essentially be a general log that may be contributed to by all modules to report on actives of the user. The log would include things in a short narrative of the activity, for example, it may say something like “Curtis completed Exam 4 in Behavior Modification on July 14, 2010 at 17:10”.  The idea would be that a user could look back over the records for the past day and determine what they have done.

In a similar intention as the ‘History’ module, I believe that it should be possible to interact with the interface in a journaling method. While some modules are for output to the user (education, schedule, todo list), there are some modules that are more input based (meal record, masturbation log, journal, status) and stay silent unless the user adds information. For that reason those modules that are for output do not normally appear on the main summary page for GITI, which limits their usability.

I am hoping to perform a systematic review of the state of all modules and examine how they are used during the v3 development process and somehow integrating them all in a meaningful way so that they can be as valuable as possible to the users (me and my alternate selves).

I have a lot of ideas involving social networking, but they are not things that I can take into account permanently in the interface because as far as I’m concerned, they are just a current fad and one day will fall. This does not deter me from wanting an “external services” module of some type that would perhaps do things like gather my Flickr stats or other pieces of information like that. One of the ideas behind GITI was to be more of a portal, something you set your browser’s home page to and that will help you get your session started with relevant information. I have to manage to do this without turning into a social network of one though. The modern APIs for many services make the portal idea more feasible.

Fields is an area that has been an absolute main in the ass since the day the idea for it was conceived. Fields is a convoluted collection of categories, custom items and other little things that tend to be user specific, and some that are system specific and some that are very general (in PHP, getting days of the week from a database is so very easy compared to other methods). Currently the management area for fields is pretty well hidden from the user, except for a small form that barely works. That form is the only way for the average user to interact with the fields, and as a result, most of the interaction I have with the fields system is done by connecting to the database server directly and making the changes manually. I’m glad GITI has no actual users. What I would like to do for this problem is for version 3, give the major modules the ability to edit their fields from within the module. I am thinking of a universal form, but something that each module would call to allow changing things specific to it, so that the user isn’t left entirely without context for what the field value applies to (I wrote a lot of my fields about 7 years ago, do you think I remember what they all mean?). The desire for the modules to handle their own fields has been around a while, as it was documented in GITI Ideal #4.

I mentioned above the Journal module being primarily an input module. This in itself is all well and good, except for the fact that the module comes across as intimidating. For such a simple module, that’s a bad thing. It seems like you should have a 500 word essay to write in the thing, when that’s not the way the module is designed. I want to refine this so its a more welcoming module. On the other side of things, its cousin, Item Journal, is integrated into a few modules and gives very little space, making the user feel like they can only put in tiny bits of data. This is a problem that really does not seem to have a correction for this version. I do however, think that item journal should be more present in other modules, and I do wish to work on that during the upgrade.

Doc is a very techie kind of module. It uses a standard HTML text area to accept the user’s document. The area has been carefully designed to appear exactly the same as a blank document in Word XP as far as columns and rows for a 1 page document. I want to move beyond that. I want to have better editing tools in the UI itself, even if the back end storage stays the same. Of course, it should be possible to suppress any advanced features so that it is possible to write a simple, clean text document.


In the previous post I made mention of a way to make things like social features easy to turn off or ignore, as part of the effort to consider that, I am implementing a new GITI Ideal:

Modularity of Service Functions (#7): GITI modules that utilize any data functionality to an outside service or module, beyond communication with its own database table must perform such functions in a segment of code stored in an external file from the primary module functionality.

Planning GITI v3

Only July 20, 2005 the GITI v2 project was conceived and on was transitioned to on December 19, 2005, with conversions continuing until August 2006. A lot has changed in life and in the world since that release, and as a result, GITI is now ready for a new overhaul.

About the Development Process: Because of the way that GITI is structured, the interface itself does not get modified much during its normal lifecycle, it gets a bit of cleaning and polishing here and there, but for the most part, it doesn’t get touched. All development that happens while a major version is active is for the expansion and refinement of individual modules. The interface itself is merely a vehicle for the modules. Its less code and more concept. The development of a major version seems to be mostly a re-evaluation of the way the system operates and then running all of the modules back through being reworked to match the new goals (or the mysterious GITI “Ideals”).

For the 3rd generation of GITI my primary goal for the interface is to address the issue of module overcrowding. Currently there are a lot of modules and the number of them present is growing. It is very difficult to use the current menus to get to everything effectively. The next major goal is to implement some sort of security system, including the ability to generate users on request and have a default security context that is as safe as a playground. Another big thing for me is getting things to be more “socially capable”. Per-user settings for Twitter updates for more aspects of things would be cool, but I don’t want to write code that locks us into any specific social format, I want to write something that is extensible and terminable (if Facebook dies, the components for it should be easily neuter-able). The social component also includes the ability to do more things from a mobile method. I’m also hoping version 3 is the version that will carry a mobile-compatible version of GITI itself.


Here are some of my pet objectives.

  • Better “interface”
    • Resolve module overcrowding
    • Better menus
    • Improve the “quick” menu item
      • better internal documentation
    • There should be less page changing for editing
    • Details from “summary” should not require a page change
  • Security
    • Groups, permissions and all of that fun stuff
    • Ability to administer users
    • Key-auth for RSS clients (read only)
    • Capabilities for authenticating GITI users to external services
    • Establish a single, authoritive, domain name
  • Documentation
    • Documentation in the code for later modification
    • Ability to keep documentation for modules in GITI, to be turned on my COMMAND at user request
    • Written protocol for how modules should behave in the context of the interface
  • Module Specific Updates
    • New Module ‘ToDo List’ needs to be finished
    • Old Module ‘TODO’ needs to be exercised and destroyed
    • Schedule needs to accept invitations both ways
    • Schedule v3 needs to be completed (or is it started?)
    • Docs needs to have a better way for assigning where to store the ‘doc’
    • Reactivate ‘Inventory’, make is more universally usable
    • Library needs to be finished
  • Mobile/Social
    • Expansion of the status theory for things like schedule items
    • Allow other modules to Tweet
    • Create a standard way for modules to speak to various social mediums
    • Investigate options for GITI mobile, as well as usefulness evaluation
    • Create a standard way for a module to send email notifications
  • Public
    • Relevant modules should have an easy way to be sharable through GITI public
    • Public should take on at least a resemblance to the rest of the interface.
  • Burry the dead
    • Unused modules need to go
    • Modules that haven’t been changed since v1 need to be updated or be dismissed


The version 3 update will not likely include anything as groundbreaking as GITI v2’s ‘COMMAND’ structure, but hopefully it will result in a more useful tool.