GITI Vision Vs. GITI Reality

GITI was designed as an idea on June 16, 2003. GITI’s primary objective was to be a place for me to keep up with things I do, hence the original module being the schedule module. Part of the idea of GITI is that I could be more social, keep track of my events and perhaps start feeling good about myself. The oringal plan was very simplistic and didn’t involve me working on GITI for more time that I am out being social. In addition to making me more social GITI was also supposed to keep me more organized, well… it met that goal without a problem. I have never been as together as I am now that I have GITI.
Now, GITI is a wall for me to hide behind, as long as there is something popping up in the summary view, then there is something to be done, an excuse for why I can’t do something social. In addition, there is never a sense of completion, or a sense that ive done something worthwhile that will make me feel better about myself, because everytime an assignment gets marked complete, another one comes up from the bottom of the list to take its place, which makes completing assignments seem like an infinite loop.
while (x>= 1)
worry = true;
x = x -1;

the only way to get away from it is to have nothing left in the queue to do, but that has only happened like once in GITI’s history, and that was at the end of Spring semester this year. Every other time in its life, there has been something in it to do.
In short, I think GITI is beginning to slowly ruin my life.