Plans for Finishing Summer

Summer classes are over and I’ve made enough ceramics to want to bowl myself into a corner… so what’s next for the summer?

  • Figure drawing – I’m borrowing a book from the UNC library about figure drawing, so I think next week I will try some figure drawing exercises and at least get myself a base set up to play with… maybe I will practice enough during the next two weeks to want to take a course on location at CPCC in the Spring.
  • Advanced C++ – since I won’t have a course in Advanced C++ in the fall, I’m going to at least attempt some of the exercises from the old course. Maybe this time I will understand it… using my new 5th edition of the text.
  • Photography – with only a few more weeks of summer, I want to get a few more colorful shots in, maybe even find some locations to set up and shoot for a while. A lot of my readers here only know me electronically and have never seen much where I live except a few shots of my yard. I’m going to try to capture some of the joys of the North Carolina piedmont region.
  • Writing – if there is enough time I think I will write. Maybe some erotic stories, maybe some non-erotic short fantasy fiction… perhaps a lot of poems.. I haven’t written any poems about photography yet.. maybe I should see what I can come up with there.
  • Getting It Together Interface – GITI is always on my agenda for summer, ever since her first few lines of code over 5 years ago. GITI is more complete now than it ever has been, but the education module needs some organization, some redundant code needs pruning and there are a lot of code areas that need to be "smoothed at the edges" (nutrition, email, etc)