Art History 1 (ART 114) Activated

Today is February 2nd and that means that 2nd chance classes, including ART 114, are now active. That being said, since the early activation of the course in January, there hasn’t been a lot of activity in the course today, and I suspect that the remaining 10 or so students will fall in one at a time over the next few days.

So far I have only worked on part of the first group of assignments, and just need to take the quiz to be finished with them. The new schedule for the course seems a bit insane. The missing weeks are being made up for by doubling up on assignments in a few of the weeks. I really don’t like it, especially the weeks during which we have to write papers. There are 4 fewer weeks, but still 3 full length papers to write. I guess it’s good that I like art and I like writing, otherwise this course would be an absolute bitch.

Now… to finish up my reading on “Art Before History”.