Cleaning Up

I sometimes let my buddy lists on instant messaging services get too busy. There are people on them that I talk to once, or gave me their ID in an email, only to never be spoken to. I find the cluttering of people on these lists to be a bit much to handle, so I feel compelled to clean things up. I am finding that I talk to no one on Aim, seldom anyone on Yahoo, although too many people on Yahoo come from my past and say “hi” periodically, I don’t like it. Finally, there is Google Talk, for which I have interactions with two people, one of which is quite often in the same room with me, making it redundant as well. Maybe I should be sad that I talk to so few people, but on the other hand, it makes things a lot simpler. It just really sucks that I can’t get the 3 or 4 people I talk to on one network so I can reduce the number of things I have to be signed in to (although, its already on 1 pidgin client). I don’t presently feel like I’m missing anything by not having people on these lists, but things do feel empty when I sign in and there is no one around wishing to talk to me (and I almost never start a conversation).

Eh, dilemmas for another day. For now, alone works.