End of an Era

I have been blogging on the Moveable Type platform for over 6 years now. It has been upgraded and mutated and I have customized some things, but in general, it never did become as familiar as it should have been. At this moment the original blog address (disturbingthoughts.net) runs on MoveableType and the new blog address (icurtis.me) is running on WordPress. I have tried WordPress before in an experimental capacity, but this time it is permanent. In a few days (or maybe weeks) the old platform will be abandoned. Chris and I have mutually agreed that MovableType is crap and no longer met our needs. At the time MovableType was first implemented it was the stable and reliable platform. Unfortunately, not a lot of people really got behind it and its parent organization allowed it to mutate into some sort of nasty CMS management application.

It will take time to move all of my blogs to their respective installations of WordPress since it is not centralized and I am still quite unfamiliar with how everything works. This blog, while being the largest turns out to be the easiest to move to a new platform, as it had an alternate address that almost no one uses and it has very few dependant web applications, whereas some of the others have websites associated with them and things that make their transition more of a challenge. That being said, my status website as well as the experimental unified presence at livecurt.net will be halted until they are revised to work on the new platform.

When I agreed to be moved to WordPress I thought it would be a very difficult thing for me to warm up to it and agree to give up the more familiar platform, but I’m not finding the types of oppositional emotions that I originally thought would occur. WordPress is flexible, fast and has a more understandable management functionality than I could have ever hoped for from other applications. I am not sad to see MT go, it was a pain and will not be missed.