Making Sense of Identity

I have been struggling for the past 3 weeks to establish the baseline for my work toward my thesis as well as the more current pressing matter of my directed readings project. Trying to assemble these thoughts I have come up with the following paragraph: At the core of a social life is the construct […]

A Postmodern Sociology

During my year in the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies graduate certificate program I encountered critical theory, postmodernism and poststructuralism numerous times. It just goes with the territory. It is difficult to study gender or sexuality without being able to deconstruct it and the best tools for that are provided by postmodern thought. Deconstructing the […]

A Closer Inspection of My Academic Interests

A listing of my academic interests. I have realized that until this point there had been no singular list of my academic interests, and so now the time has come for me to establish one in these last days before I begin the Master of Arts in Sociology. It is obvious from the listing that […]

Becoming A Junior Scholar

Monday morning at 11am I went to the University for a sociology orientation. I was uncertain of what to expect from this first encounter with the faculty and my cohort. Almost immediately it was confirmed that my understanding that I was one of six selected was correct. I am the type that typically likes to […]

Why Sociology?

My academic interests to this point may not scream that sociology is the logical choice for me, but I do feel as though it is a good fit. The programs I considered at the same time as sociology were counseling and a liberal studies degree. Counseling was and is my first choice, but things just […]

Things I Scribble in The Night

Fall 2012 Schedule Adjustments Get the PDF of these pages.   I scribbled some notes about my course schedule for fall, trying to sort everything out and get myself to commit to a schedule. After reviewing program requirements, my commitments to faculty, course descriptions and other factors I have reduced my course schedule to four […]

Accepted to Master of Arts in Sociology

I was simply checking my grades today and reviewed my academic transcript and found that my primary program had changed since my last visit. My primary major was listed as “sociology”. I opened up the status of my application to reveal “decision made”. It seems as though I am now a Master of Arts in […]

Spring 2012 Papers

All of my papers have been turned in and graded. As such, I have now released my papers publicly for reading. Also, my new papers website is now up and running. My new paper site is at: You may retrieve this semester’s papers by using the address: 2012 Or you may click on […]