Selection of Academic Papers Now Online
I have decided to go over a few of my folders of academic crap and pull out some of my better papers. I have now posted those papers online in a simple index.
I have decided to go over a few of my folders of academic crap and pull out some of my better papers. I have now posted those papers online in a simple index.
I don’t know if I’m really trying to avoid doing work, or what, but It has occurred to me that Windows 7’s task bar is like a status board for my life. Each major task I do has a different set of icons associated with it. At present I have FireFox, Windows Media Player, Word […]
I sometimes let my buddy lists on instant messaging services get too busy. There are people on them that I talk to once, or gave me their ID in an email, only to never be spoken to. I find the cluttering of people on these lists to be a bit much to handle, so I […]
Life is quite strange when dealing with these mortals called humans. Do exactly what you believe that these humans desire and then they change what they desire, making your actions and assumptions wrong. If you sit back and make no active change to appease them, they expect for you to have known their desires. Where […]
An experience I just had makes me question whether or not people understand the concept of being polite in public anymore. In a university library, on the first floor, behind the book racks you would think that there would be an air of quiet and a relaxed academic environment… well, mostly there is. Now, add […]
As a person that is being rated more and more often lately in varying areas and on multiple sites, I am starting to really despise the star rating system. First of all, the system is entirely anonymous from the recipient’s perspective. This means that it isn’t possible to determine the difference between the overexciting rating […]
At some point in the past I had a lot of things going on in my life to the point where I required several different blogs just to keep things sorted out. I had interests pretty much flying out my ass and needed a place to blog and insert content relevant to each and every […]
Once again this year my mother is participating in the highly commercialized Christmas season and as always she is bugging me for “the list”. It’s that little list I am supposed to work on starting in July and turn into her sometime before the first week of November. Well, in the 20-however-many years I’ve been […]
Like sucks when you are unaccomplished. I have for a long time been easily depressed by my own inadequacies when compared to other people, at some point recently I got over that and am no longer worried about how I compare to other people, because if I spend all of my time trying to develop […]