Internet Draft Submission Changes

It has finally happened, the IETF is relieving the IESG Secretariat of one of her most recognized roles, the proccessing of new Internet Draft Documents. Very soon there will be an automated procedure for submitting new Internet Draft Documents to the IETF/IESG. For many years the standing procedure has been that an Internet Draft Document […]

Blog Engines Need to Be More Complex

Movable Type is starting to bug me. I don’t have a consistent blogging pattern, some days I blog 5 times, sometimes i wait 2 weeks between posts, and I have to pick between a number of posts to leave on the main page (usually 5) or a number of days to leave up (usually 10), […]

Curtis E-mail Changes

After many strange looks and much bitching from people about my email structure, it has chaged. The someuser* stuff is in the past for my personal email. My organizational, public and automated email stuff will still run through the old schema. My personal contacts will now be given a new, single address to use for […]

Images Back Online

I am working on restoring my image system to my blog. It is at I will be backing this one up as to not lose it again through some deranged Movable Type plugin.

Possible Upgrade to Blog

I have completed 2 template candidates for my blog, feedback is greatly apprechiated from my readers. Candidate 1 – or Candidate 2 – or Candidate 3 – These demos are created in much the same way as the actual blog is, so everything should be almost exact. I have been considering something […]

I’m Breathing

For any of you who tried to wake me from my smei-comatose sleep earlier: I am alive and breathing, there is no need to worry.

Lack of Images on Blog?

Do I use enough images on my blog or would more be better? In the past few weeks I have only used like 2 images, the one of the two cute guys kissing and the one of Grace Hopper, only one of which probably actually appealed to any number of my readers (although, they are […]

RFC 4144

Anyone out there feel out of the loop? Maybe even shy? The IETF has the solution for you! Today the RFC editor released RFC 4144 – “How to Gain Prominence and Influence in Standards Organizations”. The document reads like a college of business text book. While the document is sound, it has no technical merit […]

Using Keywords In Blog Entries

I think im going to try to start using less parenthesis and brakets in my blog entries, and use anchor tags instead to create sort of a keyword effect. I have attempted it in my previous blog entry. If you like it, comment that you do, if you hate it, comment that you do. I […]

Missing Images

I haven’t had a chance to restore the images from the little problem with MovableType, so they still aren’t here, and I will be restoring the gallery soon as well. Please ignore broken images and broken links on this blog until I have restored both of these resources.