My Personal Deviance

I need help with an assignment.

I have an assignment in Sociology of Deviant Behavior that I have been avoiding because I don’t know how to get started. This is one of those times when my lack of desire to break out of society’s norms is biting me in the ass. The assignment is the following:

Think of a time when you violated a norm.  Explain what kinds of social control were used to bring you back into conformity  Remember to incorporate textbook concepts with cites and references.  Give specific examples related to the concepts.

My problem is that I rarely do anything that is truly deviant, at least not to a point where there was any type of social control used to bring me back into conformity afterward. My only example that I can pull into consciousness at the moment is my speeding ticket from several years ago, but that feels like it barely qualifies. I think I qualify to use an “internalization of group norms” theory here, which would allow me to exclude the violation of a norm, but so far everyone else in the class has stated a violation, and the question specifically requests a violation. I know I violate norms all the time, its just my way, I am deviant in various aspects, but I can not recall many times of being “brought back into compliance”. 

How have I violated social norms and what methods of social control has been used to bring me back into conformity?

Spring 2011 Course Descriptions

Art History Survey 1 [ART114]
Richard L. Gilbert
This course covers the development of art forms from ancient times to the Renaissance. Emphasis is placed on content, terminology, design, and style. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an historical understanding of art as a product reflective of human social development. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement general education core requirement in humanities/fine arts. — 3 hours


Advance Seminar: Sex & Gender [PSYC430]
Dr. Lana A. Riggins
Advanced Seminar: Sex and Gender: This senior seminar will explore how various areas of psychology conceptualize and investigate the relationship between sexuality and gender. The study of gender/sexual relations will be approached from many different perspectives, including individual, social, cultural, historical, and biological. Sources will include journal articles, books, and fictional stories. PREREQ: PSYC 352 — 3 hours


Introduction to SPSS [SOCI333]
Akbar Aghajanian
An introduction to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, a computer program for data processing and statistical analysis, enabling students without knowledge of programming or without programming aspirations to utilize the computer for scientific research. Prerequisite: SOCI 210 And SOCI 331 — 3 hours


Crime and Delinquency [SOCI340]
Druann M. Heckert
A study of the nature of crime and delinquency as forms of deviant behavior, including theories of causation relating to both, with considerations of the justice system for each. — 3 hours


History of Sociological Thought [SOCI350]
Jilly M. Ngwainmbi
A selective and systematic study of major writings in the development of modern sociological thought, with critical examination of the sociological theories of selected writers. — 3 hours


Sociology of Deviant Behavior [SOCI360]
Heather Griffiths
A study of the major theories and types of deviant behavior, with critical analyses of society’s reactions to such behavior. — 3 hours


Race and Ethnic Relation [SOCI412]
Suzanne Y. Strulowitz
A study of the theories and principles of majority minority relations, with emphasis on the status and problems of selected racial, ethnic, and religious minority groups in the United States and elsewhere — 3 hours


Early Grade Madness


So far in this course I have 2 grades, an autobiography discussion post and an extra credit assignment which involved replying to the instructor’s message. GITI’s calculation of such grades is a bit imprecise.  If 100 is an A+, and 92 is an A, what is 600? In this particular course the grading is based on a points rubric, something that GITI doesn’t quite have a grasp on. GITI does better at a weighted course, where it will provide the final average in this situation as only 105%, not 600%. For a points based system the correct score at the moment should be something like 6%, also not 600%. GITI currently interprets points-based courses as being only out of their existing, scored material, to help correctly construct an average for a class, which assists in determining outcomes. Being told that 6% of a course’s points have been obtained is rather clumsy.  GITI has operated its points-based system this way since it was created (and for 2 years it only supported points).

I suppose the proper course of action is to list the amount of points that have been earned as well as the present average based on work completed. Ah, more coding work for the weekend.

Class Change for Spring 2011 Semester

This morning I happened to check Banner at 6am and discovered a single vacant seat for SOCI 360, Sociology of Deviant Behavior. I have since claimed that seat. As a result of having that course I am likely to not take on the graduate course. I am so tired of being concerned with what graduate schools are going to think of my course selections and other attributes of my academic life, so I am going to just go with what I feel will be the best match of courses for my interests. I am very interested in topics like deviant behavior, but not so much interested in things like modern theorists in sociology. Currently I am registered for a total of 21 credit hours for the Spring 2011 semester. 18 hours at Fayetteville and 3 more hours at Gaston. It is going to be quite a full semester, but nothing I can’t handle. Some of the courses will be easier than others for me. The easiest courses will be Introduction to SPSS at Fayetteville and Art History I at Gaston. I suspect the hardest will be History of Sociological Thought. I am looking forward to the semester being somewhat challenging, but hopefully it won’t kill me.

Why I will miss

  1. I hate browser-specific bookmarks that don’t follow me.
  2. I do not want to have to use FireFox’s craptastic bookmark features (or that stupid star) – the add-on can suppress the built-in features (but doesn’t require their suppression)
  3. Other options for “syncing” bookmarks focus too much on the “sync” aspect and not enough on remaining stable and usable, they get in the way
  4. I love that I can use it from any machine, running any browser and can add via web (no plugin or add-on required)
  5. Bookmark “sending” – I can bookmark for myself or for a friend.
  6. Not overly “social” – I can send my friends bookmarks, and they can send me bookmarks, but I do not have to care that my friend bookmarked a certain page, or that 3 of my friends bookmarked something and have it suggested that I do as well.
  7. PRIVACY! – I can have my bookmarks open to everyone (helpful if I mention that I bookmarked something, they can go find it), or keep private things private. I can select either. Even make something private while sharing it with another person.
  8. I am used to it – I know the workflow, I can make it work for me as I need it.
  9. Tags – tags aren’t required, but are useful in sorting my bookmarks. Unlike folders, tags fall down the tree when they are unused, meaning I don’t have to look at 200 folders, and I never have to clean up.
  10. Bookmarks forever – In a structured bookmark system, sometimes bookmarks would need to be deleted to make space. In bookmarks are chronological, no need to delete, but yet I can go diving for bookmarks from last year with ease.

A Few Academic Glass Balls

I managed to make it through registration and grade reporting with minimal distress this semester, so I am quite thrilled about that. I had a few issues with the department of sociology, but apparently showing them a “Principles of Sociology” credit is as good as a membership card. I was authorized to register for the courses I needed before my final grade was received by the registrar. Also, because of paperwork problems my SOCI 210 credit was a bit in limbo, since I received authorization for the course in summer, but I never updated the paperwork for fall. Oops, one little error. That all got worked out and I was able to enroll for courses I need for my sociology minor.  I was also able to register for my “outside” elective that I wanted. I selected Art History 1 at Gaston, to count toward my Associate in Fine Arts degree.

While my primary registration went over with very few problems, finishing filling out my final undergraduate semester is a little more of a challenge. At this point I am safe. I have the right number of credit hours and everything is on track for graduation. Unfortunately, this does not mean that I have resolved all of those courses that I wanted to take but never have had the chance.

The biggest problem I have at the moment is the graduate/undergraduate course debate. If I receive permission to take a graduate level course, my registration limits will be locked out to 15 credit hours (12 undergrad + 3 grad). If I am not approved to take the course, or if I opt to not take it I will be allowed to carry max load, which is 21 credit hours (7 courses). My minor has 12 remaining hours in it, so that would eat up my hours with the graduate course. The problem is that I have another 3 hour course that I would like to redo to resolve a grade that I am not happy with, and there are some other courses I am interested in as well. 

These additional courses also pose problems of their own. One of the courses I am interested in is “Sociology of Deviant Behavior”. It looks like a really fun class from its description. Unfortunately, at the moment the course is full, and the instructor refuses me a permit. I am pretty confident that if I asked for a permit from the department it would be granted, but I do not like going above instructors like that, so I am stuck with the option of watching the schedule and diving on any open seat that I see. Maybe I might get one during the drop/add period. I don’t hold out much hope for things like that.

I don’t REALLY want to take the graduate level course, not in the sense of its content. I do believe that the course will be interesting, but its not as stimulating as some other courses might be (the course is “Advanced Sociological Theory”). I feel that the course is important as it will show graduate schools that I am capable of graduate-level course work, and it will also serve as a mechanism to allow me to enter the graduate world by transcending my undergraduate career. During high school there were Huskins and Dual Enrolment courses to help me cope with the transition. Taking a graduate course in my last semester as an undergrad is the closest comparable construct of that to my current situation. The graduate course also serves as a final sanity check for a few things. “can I handle graduate level work?” and “do I really want to continue my education now?” are the two that come to mind. I want to take the course because it is the logical thing to do.

For the other courses, they serve no useful purpose, except to allow me to explore a few of my academic perversions. “Sociology of Deviant Behavior” and “Industrial/Organizational Psychology” are the ones that I would like to take. I think I would thoroughly enjoy “Deviant Behavior”. “I/O Psyc” I would enjoy, but to a lesser degree. Both would expand my knowledge of two subjects of interest. Unfortunately at the moment both courses are full and my options for getting a seat are limited. Both will be a “wait and see” kind of course regarding registration.

Fall 2010 Papers Released

My Fall 2010 semester papers are now released. These represent my major writings for the semester, both in exams as well as for papers. The are posted to the main index at

Lecture Exam 1
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210

Lecture Exam 2
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210

Lecture Exam 3
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210

Multi-cultural Psychology
PSYC 343

Polish-American Experience
Multi-cultural Psychology
PSYC 343

Animal Subjects in Experimentation
Animal Behavior
PSYC 443

Not The Only One Annoyed

“Hello everyone; this is to let you know that I had uploaded grades in Banner after irritating insistence by the administration (they just send you an e-mail a day until you do it. Talk about negative reinforcement!). They also want me to remind you of the course evaluations.”

This email just came in from Dr. Montoya. Apparently the faculty gets annoyed by the administration to do things as well. I am wondering if the process that controls everything at FSU is annoyance and irritation?