A British Tar Is A Soaring Soul

This song has been stuck in my head for the past few hours and it won’t seem to leave. — A British tar is a soaring soul, As free as a mountain bird, His energetic fist should be ready to resist A dictatorial word. His nose should should pant, and his lip should curl, His […]

Punishing Others for My Mistakes

I have the capacity to make others miserable. I can hurt people emotionally with a simple glance, turn of my body and turn of my mind. I use these abilities all too often to get my way with things, or to deal with situations that make me uncomfortable. The one thing it seems I am […]

What does Curtis need?

What is it that I need as a person? Why am I always so unhappy? I am happy in the ceramic studio, and in other classes as well. I am happy during the day when I am by myself and there is no one else around. I am not happy when people are around me […]

Potter Going Crazy

It is 0330, I should be asleep right now, but as much as a try, I can’t fall asleep, all of these thoughts are converging on my tiny brain at once. With such a short time remaining (14 days) it is becoming more of a challenge to keep these thoughts under control. I am going […]

Subtle Humor Lost in the Written Word?

I have been told my previous blog entry, “Time”, was insulting. For anyone that may have been insulted by the entry, I’m sorry, I did not mean it in that way. I accept myself to be a standard of non-standardization, and expect my readers to do so as well. I exist in a world of […]

12 Years Have Passed, Some relief finally coming

Two days ago was the 12 year anniversary of my grandmother’s death. During the day I conducted myself fairly silently and in a mode of reflection and attempting to resolve the ongoing mourning in my head. Every year on December 4th I have either cried, been depressed or otherwise had problems functioning, much like the […]

Reconciling the Journals

My GITI journal has large gaps in time and lots of changes in format, the blog misses a lot of major events and isn’t that accurate because of the fact that it is outward facing. I am having a hard time opening up fully to either myself in my personal journal in GITI or my […]

I want a puppy!

I just got back from a week of taking care of my cousin’s dog, Boscoe. It felt so good to have a creature to take care of and interact with. I often get very lonely (and bored) when I am by myself and have nothing to play with. One of the best things about Boscoe […]


The heart is a swirling mass of conflicting emotions. Flowing between self-preservation, caring for people who are special in our lives and the decision proccess that often falls between those two places. One must find the proper balance between the two to have a happy life. Humans are socially dynamic, which creates a situation where […]

Inspiration from the Past

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest! if you must – but never quit. Life is queer, […]