Arrival of Nikon N80QD

The Nikon N80QD arrived at 11:50 this morning. I ordered a camera listed as “used” in Adorama’s inventory. I ordered the one with the best rating that I could find (a rating of “D” for demo). Even with the device being of “demo” grade, I was expecting to see some signs that it had been […]

Returning to a Simpler Time

My 35mm film SLR shipped from Adorama this afternoon, after a 24 hour delay (which has yet to be explained). I have decided to spend a little time today reading the manual for it. So far what I have noticed is that I am sending myself to a simpler time photographically. The Nikon N80QD is […]

Film Photography Welcome Kit

To get me started on the wonderful world of film photography, I have ordered the following:   SKU Brand Product Qty Price Total ——————– —————————————- — ———– ———– DKG16 Adorama One (1) Pint (500 Ml) Plastic Gr 1 $3.95 $3.95 DKFC4 Adorama Stainless Steel Film Clips, Pack 1 $5.85 $5.85 CHISBP Adorama Indicator Stop Bath […]

Extending a Hobby

I have decided this morning to make a fairly bold move in my consideration of working with film photography. I have purchased a Nikon N80D, 5 rolls of Fujifilm ISO 400 BW film, an developing tank and an assortment of chemicals required for the developing process (wetting agent, developer, stop bath, fixer). Before this morning […]

Thinking About Film

A long time ago, I photographed on film. From the time I was 5 until about 2000 I worked exclusively with film, a combination of 110, 35mm and APS. In 2002 I made the transition to digital photography, and then finally in 2008 I moved to Digital SLR. I have seen numerous claims that digital […]

My Ideal Camera Bag

I am still looking for the perfect camera bag, but I think I have accepted that it simply does not exist. Below is a diagram of what I really would love to have, even though I can’t seem to find it. A – Laptop compartment (15.4″ capacity) B – SLR Holster, about 9″ long, SLR+Long […]

Bags, Bags, and More Bags

I am so sick of dealing with bags. I used to just think that my needs simply didn’t represent the majority of people, so therefore, I was having trouble picking a bag. Now, I am starting to think that the majority of bags just suck. I received my LowePro FastPack 250 this morning and at […]

Skewed Week

This has been a bad week for me. I have not been actively shooting for project 365 for a variety of reasons, including personal depression, really sucky weather (it’s been gray for like the past 10 days) and academic interferences (exams, etc). As today is Sunday, and therefore a new week, I am getting back […]

Additional Project 365 Rule

I have been doing pretty well at keeping up with his project so far, but my other project (lets just call it Project B) has fallen a few days behind. As a result, I am in an odd position as far as the way I organize things on Flickr. I have become dependent on the […]

Day 53 Delimna

I have been fighting with Day 53’s image for a while today. I had “concerns” about it when I first downloaded it from the camera, but now I am not sure why. Here are the things I have tried (all are versions of 7750 that have been cropped to a left-aligned jock): Original: Monochrome Adjusted […]