PSYC 352 Paper Graded


Just moments ago my paper for PSYC 352 was graded. I suppose Dr. “Monique” is actually intending to pull an all-nighter to get her grading done. I got 70 out of 75 points on the paper, which is about a 93, which isn’t too bad.

Procrastination: Not Just for Students

I thought I was bad for procrastinating on my papers all semester, but not I don’t feel quite as bad. One of my instructors is about a month behind on her grading. Dr. “Monique” started grading assignments in her online courses at about 5pm this evening, and grades are due at midnight. She is an instructor that relies on Blackboard for her gradebook, which presently doesn’t even show any signs of the final paper, which makes me think she has at least 25 papers sitting on her desk waiting to be read after she finishes grading discussion boards. I don’t know what her other courses are like, but the two that I have with her have papers that need to be graded, as well as other assignments. I don’t know how she will manage to get a quality grading job done if she has that much work left to do.

I suspect that if she gets done, she will be cross-eyed and needing to sleep for a while.

Dr. “Monique” is just the worst example, the others are behind as well. The other 3 instructors had not turned in grades as of 4PM today (system refresh for Banner is 4pm and 9am), but they at least have all of the raw data together and just need to get it to the registrar.

Ah, procrastination, its good for everyone!

Film Photos: Roll ID 2010-003

My third roll of film. These shots are just as haphazard as before, but I let myself go a little more wild and actually do more subjects that interest me. The scanning process didn’t go too well for this roll and some other factors seem to have made the grain pretty intense. None of these have been retouched or edited yet, so there is still hope for them. Obviously there was some fetish influence on some of these images as well.


Spring 2010 Papers

Now that the semester is officially closed students may no longer submit work, and therefore I am now free to release publically my research papers from the semester.


PSYC 320 – Theories of Learning
PSYC 331 – Developmental Psychology
Gender Differences in Self Esteem
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PSYC 420 – Sensation and Perception
Uses of Tactile Sensation of the Blind
PSYC 352 – Research Methodology
Observational Methods of Research
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The Waiting Has Begun

Everything is turned in, has been for days. I have done all I can do to arrange for other semesters and as of 9 minutes ago, the Spring 2010 semester has closed, so there is 0 to do. I am not very good at this time between semesters, it feels awkward and unnatural.

I am waiting for my instructors to finish up their grading, or in the case of some instructors, start their grading.

There are some courses I am pretty confident in and some that I am a little more concerned about, but I won’t be calm until all of the grades are in.


I am used to semesters being over with great suddenness and authority, with deadlines barely being met and everything falling into place at the very last minute. That last minute is 3 days away at the moment for some classes, and 6 days away for other classes. Either way there is this huge feeling of waiting this semester. All of my assignments are in, save one. Two of the major assignments that I had to complete are writing assignments, large papers. I anxiously await the results on those assignments which can make or break my grade. Also with the waiting, my brilliant and thoughtful Sensation and Perception instructor has decided to not open our final exam until 8am tomorrow morning, so I’ve been waiting days for that, since all of my other exams are finished. I suspect I will try to pounce on the exam as soon as I can so that I may separate myself from the texts of the semester. I hate waiting. Even if all of my instructors manage to get things together before the 7th, I still have to wait until the 10th to find out all of my grades.

Presently, I am waiting for someone to tell me if I can take SOCI 333 during the fall.

Building Insanity


My Fall 2010 semester chart shows my planned courses for the fall. Looks a little ominous doesn’t it? While the courses total to only 17 credit hours, the number of courses seems to be a little overwhelming to me. As you will notice, all courses are goldenrod except SOCI 333, which is plum. This indicates that most courses are registered and SOCI 333 is just planned. If I am allowed to take SOCI 333 I think I will swap it for PSYC 342 on the schedule. I do worry about having so many courses, how will I keep up with all of them?