End of an Era

I have been blogging on the Moveable Type platform for over 6 years now. It has been upgraded and mutated and I have customized some things, but in general, it never did become as familiar as it should have been. At this moment the original blog address (disturbingthoughts.net) runs on MoveableType and the new blog […]

What to do after graduation?

I am coming to the end of my undergraduate career. In 2 weeks I will start the last 4 classes toward my major, completing my Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree. I have made a small change to my degree program that will result in me graduating in spring though, I have added a Sociology […]

Proper Licensing and Use of Tomatoes

Currently there is a bit of anger between my father and grandfather (mother’s side) because of some issues over the proper use of gift tomatoes that were given by my uncle. My uncle offered to let both my father and grandfather pick tomatoes from his garden since he has gotten all of them that he […]

iPod Touchiness

Due to a very kind friend I now have an iPod Touch. I have spent a few days with it and I must say that I love it. It is much different than what I expected. It is so much more than a music player and even beyond a PDA. The device is so versatile. […]

Canning Produce

A few days ago my uncle went on vacation and told me to keep an eye on his garden, to harvest anything that was ready. Well, there was more vegetables ready for picking than I thought there would be, so some preserving techniques were required, this is the result, eleven jars of home made vegetable […]

RT: I need Friends

It has just occurred to me while looking at Facebook that I need to venture out and find more people to have in my life. Everyone on Facebook is someone from high school. I have always been sort of reserved and as a result have not made any new friends lately. I guess unless I’m […]

Weekend Plans

It seems as though most weekends I don’t have a problem picking what to do. Most weekends I don’t have multiple options floating around. This weekend is a bit of an overload. I have been asked to go to my cousin’s softball tournament on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday it is roughly 9am until 12pm, […]

Refining the Online Presence

I feel like I have been fighting with my digital identity for a long time now. I start on these little projects of integrating things and it just never seems to all come together. I was originally intending to work with SiteEngine to have a central place for all of the content related to me. […]

An Update: July 1, 2010

Hello Reader(s). It has been a while since I have blogged, over a month for any real entries.  I suppose you could say that I’ve been keeping to myself a bit lately. Not a major amount happening in my life. I have spent some time this month working on some stuff for my aunt and […]

Missing Handcuffs

A slight mystery has come about here. I am attempting to locate a pair of Galls Standard Handcuffs that I have not seen in a while. The cuffs are fairly cheap, but I was hoping to use them to make a more complex restraint (utilizing the cuffs, a connector chain and a pair of boot […]