GITI Gets Fit

As with any great change in my life, the Getting It Together Interface will be changing with me. In the next few days, the Health module (to be called Heath and Fitness Module) will gain a nutrition component to supplement the existing workout component. The components will then be integrated into the common module. During […]

GITI Reaches 1000 Education Items

During the summer of 2003, I began work on “Journal” project, after spending the Spring working on Address Book with Chris. Working on the Address Book project gave me a lot of experience with PHP and introduced me to the database driven web application. A few weeks into the Journal project, I began work on […]

todo, v2_todo, or list

I’m starting to think that GITI is going to get a new module, “List”, a hybrid of v2_todo, notepad and just a general linked tree structure for storing information that isn’t very long. This evening I realized that GITI’s v2_To Do module isn’t really used at all and isn’t really practice. The v2_ToDo module doesn’t […]

Frustration with Previous Self

In past few days I have looked at more of my own old code for GITI (Scheduler, PIM, the Interface, whatever) than I ever have before. The things I am finding in my old code are not pleasant. I left myself almost no code comments, there is no spacing, no indention and everything is basicly […]

Time to Say Goodbye

I have been fighting myself on the topic of the GITI v1 to v2 migration for far too long now. I have three weeks in which I don’t have to do anything, and I think it is time for me to dedicate some time to finalizing the transistion and letting v1 go to rest permenantly […]

GITI Vision Vs. GITI Reality

GITI was designed as an idea on June 16, 2003. GITI’s primary objective was to be a place for me to keep up with things I do, hence the original module being the schedule module. Part of the idea of GITI is that I could be more social, keep track of my events and perhaps […]

Mistakes Are Fine As Long As They Are Consistent

It would appear that as long as a mistake in logic is consistent, then there is no real error. It would appear that I have been storing ID info for “time” journal entries incorrectly, I have been using all values of the date for them, but omittiing all leading zeros, hence, today is 2005916, not […]

Disgust with v1

It finally happened, I am now to the point where I can’t stand GITI version 1. It is hard to navigate, a pain to develop for and lacks any form of logical structure. GITI Version 1 has been perfectly fine for me the entire time it has existed until now, and I think im falling […]