Distance Education Options for Spring 2011

Blue Ridge CC CSC 251 Advanced Java Programming Not thrilled about Java, but would help meet my Computer Programming degree requirements.
Cape Fear CC MAT 263 Calculus II Calculus scares me. This will be an interesting diversion from Sociology.
Central Piedmont CC BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I always thought it would be an interesting course, but never had a reason to take it.
  GEL 120 Physical Geology Another of those courses that I’ve wondered about, but never really had a reason to take.
Fayetteville Tech CC ART 171 Computer Art I I’ve wanted to take this course for a while, but wasn’t sure about it, now its available online.
Forsyth Tech CC CSC 234 Advanced C++ Programming This course has been quite elusive. Would meet programming requirement as well as be fun and interesting for me.
Gaston College ART 114 Art History 1 Counts toward art requirements, and is an area I am interested in, especially since I had to withdraw when I originally enrolled.
Johnston CC CSC 136 Fortran Programming I wouldn’t actually take this course, but its interesting to note that it is available as an online course.
Lenoir CC ART 260 Photography Appreciation This is not a course I originally was looking for, but it pops out as something that may be potentially useful for learning better composition.
Mitchell CC CHM 131 Intro to Chemistry I always thought that Chemistry might be fun. I have never had a chemistry course taught by competent faculty.
Pitt CC ART 171 Computer Art 1 Another section of ART 171, in case FTCC doesn’t work out.
Surry CC CSC 234 Advanced C++ Programming An additional section of CSC 234, in case Forsyth does not allow enrollment.
Wake Technical CC CSC 234 Advanced C++ Programming Yet another section of CSC 234. I suspect this course might not be that hard to find.


There is one course I could find available online at all of the colleges, ART 111 – Art Appreciation. It seems to be the only constant, which I find to be a little funny since it is the first online course that I ever enrolled in. Another thing I found was that a lot of the community colleges are lacking any sense of a physics department, but yet most will have biology and/or chemistry.  There are some schools that no longer have the CSC program, but instead have CTS, which has minimal programming courses. Many of the colleges have “distance education” links displayed prominently on their web pages, but only a few seem to have any significant distance education effort. There are a good number of colleges that by the time I was beginning my course search for spring had not yet made an attempt to publish an online schedule.

One More Semester


Introduction to SPSS | SOCI 333, Crime and Delinquency | SOCI 340, History of Sociological Thought | SOCI 350, Race and Ethnic Relation | SOCI 412

A few hours ago I sent an “Advisement Verification Form”, an official declaration of my intentions for the registration period that is opening on November 1. This will be my last time filling out one of these forms. The schedule I transmitted is as it appears in the table above, with the exception of a few “safety” electives to fill space in the event of a problem.  As some of you will probably notice, the schedule presented is 4 courses, or 12 credit hours and I prefer to plan for 15 credit hours in most semesters. I will NOT be taking any serious course to fill the last spot, but will use it for something fun or interesting.

At present I am considering Art History 1, one of my “courses of regret”, to fill the spot. Other alternatives would be something like Figure Drawing if I could find it offered somewhere. Alternatively my thoughts have gone to more technical courses such as Database Programming or Advanced C++ (if I could find somewhere that offered it). A final thought goes toward something more rigorous, but yet in a different mental space, such as Physics II. I previously had an option for taking the course, though UNC-Chapel Hill’s Friday Center for Distance Education, but that course is now closed and I can not enroll in it. So yet another course is left up to the whim of the institutions. I have 58 community colleges in this state, so at least one of these courses that I wish to take should be available somewhere (with the exception of the drawing course, which obviously must be in person).

Below is a list of all of the courses that I have considered taking or wanted to register for in the past that have never been completed.



Seeing the End

Focusing on graduate school information and trying to prepare for the GRE (Graduate Records Examination) enhances the anxiety that I already have about my undergraduate career coming to an end. It is like I am in the moments right before a major life change. My undergraduate career has been a very interesting ride. I have been through several majors and attempted numerous programs. I guess I have determined my academic track by trial and error. Baring some major disaster I am on track to graduate in May and I feel scared. All I have known is the way of the undergraduate world. Now I find myself preparing for something completely different.

I remember this feeling. I had this feeling in the months before graduating from Highland. I guess you could say that I don’t mind life changes, but I don’t really like when there are these huge formal separations between the parts. I managed to keep myself away from the emotions when I graduated from high school. I quickly found ways to “transition” to my new academic life. I took dual-enrollment courses and I also took courses during the summer. I did everything except stop and look at what was going on around me. In a lot of ways there was a support mechanism in place to transition me from high school to college. This is a bit different. I am going from college to graduate school. There is no guiding hand (or guidance counselor), there is no net. I am doing this by myself. The funny thing here is that the times I have been offered the advice of an advisor I have refused it, usually while quoting requirements from a catalog. Well, in this case, I have read the catalogs and I have looked into everything I think I need to know, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. It all just feels so isolated and lonely.

The worst thing for me is that my undergraduate career represented a time of exploration for me. I discovered some things I like and some things I’m good at. Also discovered a few things I’m not so good at, but those are still good things. I don’t want to have to declare a major and make a 100% commitment to it. I know what I want to do, but that doesn’t mean that being locked into it doesn’t make me feel unnecessarily confined. There is something freeing to know that at any moment in your undergraduate career you could take leave of your sensibilities and actually change your major to Studio Art and it would work out. Admissions to undergraduate programs is just kind of flexible like that. I will have no problem focusing on my program and completing it, but just feels like there is something missing.

A Little Nervous

I just finished reading some information about the UNC Charlotte graduate program in Clinical Psychology and learned that only five students are accepted into the program each year. This makes me a little nervous about my likelihood of being accepted. My undergraduate record is not that good and it certainly doesn’t show a complete dedication to psychology, since I’ve changed majors several times and my academic record reads a little bit like it belongs to a dissociative personality disorder patient, especially in the earlier section. All of the documentation for the program makes it sound like the expected result for an applicant is to not be accepted. I worry that there are applicants that will send their applications that will have GPAs of 3.8 – 4.0 who are tons more qualified than me and have a much more concrete psychology track on their record.

Maybe I am overreacting a little. My grades for my actual psychology work are actually pretty decent, and since declaring the psychology major I have stuck with it and my academic record has been at least mostly focused on it.

Classes I Never Took, But Wish I Did

  • Physics II – a continuation of basic college physics. Covering more on the topics of electricity, magnetism, light and optics. From this course I specifically would have loved to have gotten into the optics section. Unfortunately, I never took this course. It appeals to a variety of my interests, from the electricity topic covering how energy moves and how it is converted to its various forms. I would have found that fascinated; to my interests in astronomy and photography that would have been aided by learning more about optics. I never needed the course for a major or anything and thus, it never really happened for me.
  • Art History I – In this series of courses, I only took the 2nd part. Well, that’s not completely true. I registered for the course and worked at it for a while, but then ended up dropping it because it seemed like a lot of work at the time when I already had enough of a load. I would have liked to have covered the art of pre-history and concentrated on the basis of art, how we have come to know art as we do today.
  • 2D Design – Two-dimensional composition is something I feel like I got a healthy dose of in Drawing I, but I do not think I know enough to be competent in most mediums. The opportunity for this course just never really presented itself.
  • Figure Drawing – This course I wanted to take, but it was never offered. I feel like I have missed out on this. I have an appreciation for the human form and would have liked to have gotten to know how to properly render it. Mr. Biggers wanted to show us some in Drawing II, but unfortunately he became ill and did not get to teach that particular course.

Just a few of my undergraduate regrets. Surprisingly I thought this list would be longer. Thinking about it, all except for Figure Drawing I could probably pull off between free hours in the spring semester and the summer session for which I currently have nothing planned. Should I go for it?

Instant Buzzing

For a long time I hated the “buzz” feature of Yahoo Messenger. Judging by the fact that no other major instant messaging client had included the annoying feature I decided it wasn’t worth worrying about. Several years ago as the number of instant messaging clients I had installed grew and I became more bothered by them with each new OS installation (and as a beta tester, there were quite a few), I gradually let “less important” IM clients, such as Yahoo messenger fall away. The “buzz” feature is one of the things that made me declare it less important. I was always annoyed with the jiggling flashing box and made a point of always turning off the sound that the client made.

Now, in my only IM client, Pidgin,  I find a button marked “attention” which seems to have roughly the same function. Obviously this only works on Yahoo and XMPP, not on OSCAR or other protocols that never considered such functions, but still, it is very annoying. The button in the client is placed in a spot where it is very possible to accidentally tap it. I have not yet been annoyed by being “attentioned” in Pidgin, but I assume the functionality is there. Why must everyone make technology something annoying?

Personal Journaling

I have many times in my past thought of starting a personal journal. I started at first a long time ago with a paper journal, and considered keeping a word processing document, but nothing ever seemed to work for me. In August 2004 with the opening of this blog I got a little closer to being able to do what I wanted to do, at least on the external perspective. I still do not have anything personal. I tried to do it in GITI for a personal way, but I just could never remember to write stuff and it just didn’t quite seem as together and coherent as I would like. I am now considering writing a software that will reside on a desktop computer, but will be able to write information somewhere that GITI can access it. The reason I feel I need to write my own software for this is that I want to keep more information in a journal than just a daily narrative and other plain text information. I want to be able to store sample photos from the day, and maybe a tracklog and other information that seems relevant to the events of the day. In some ways it would be nice to form my daily journal entries from a variety of little pieces of information and just have them grouped by the date. Those pieces include:

  • Text of day’s activities
  • Report of what is on the calendar
  • Collection of status posts and their timestamps
  • Photo(s) selected from the day, if available
  • Tracklog from the day, if available
  • Recipes for foods I create that day

In some ways social media stuff handles a lot of this, except for the more private aspects, but I do not want something like a journal stuck in the cloud. I want control of the information and I do not want to be bound to some type of information system that can loose data, change control or in some other way be subverted by an outside force. This is probably crazy and excessive, but it will give me something to work on in my spare time.

Instructional: To Comment on a Post

To My Reader(s):

This blog recently moved to a new platform, WordPress. As a result, commenting is not handled in the same way anymore. You may leave a comment using the text boxes at the bottom of the entry pages. This will get your comment in the system, but will require you to wait until I can manually authorize it before it will be visible. This will also leave your comment open to analysis by the SPAM system.

You may recall from the previous system that you could authenticate with any number of services, OpenID, Facebook, AIM, Yahoo, etc. As of about 5 minutes ago that functionality has been restored, however, because of the modular nature of WordPress that option will NOT appear on the comments section, you must log in to the site first. You may login by clicking on the “Log In” button at the lower left panel of the page. Its a long way down there, but keep scrolling, you will find it. You will click on the icon panel with the service icons, at which point a box will open, you will select your network, and then login with the credentials of that system. Once this is done, your subscriber account will be created on the system and you will be able to comment freely and without censorship. You will at that point comment as normal (you should see your credentialed name and an empty box on each post).

This may all sound complicated, but the hardest part is finding the login button on the bottom of the page. If there is an authentication system somebody wants and it isn’t there, use a standard comment and let me know, I’ll try to get it in the system.  

Can’t Sleep

I hate when I can’t sleep. It seems like a perpetual problem with me. I’m tired but my mind just will not go silent. Some nights I wait it out and eventually I fall asleep. Other nights I will get up and blog or something. No matter what I can’t seem to overcome this. Tonight I am laying in bed with he iPod, trying a method that will let me try to work out my thoughts and bring myself to relax.

So many things go through my mind: friends, relationships, graduate school, graduation, GITI, what I’m cooking for dinner tomorrow night and so many other things that my mind says must be dealt with now.I do not relax with anything pending.

For a little while I will lay here and try to calm myself.