Spring 2006: Course Descriptions

DATA STRUCTURES (ITCS2214) – A study of the theory and implementation of abstract data types (ADTs) including stacks, queues, and both general purpose and specialized trees and graphs. Programming emphasis is on the use of an object-oriented language to implement algorithms related to the various data structures studied including creation, searching, and traversal of ADTs. […]

The Tower Sings Again

After almost a 9 month absense, the Belk Tower, at the center of UNCC’s academic buildings now chimes again. It chimes on the hour and then sings 3 times a day. The absence of the sounds of the electronic Carillon in the tower caused a major “disconnecting” of the University community. The tower has always […]

More Mid-Term Fun

For my ITCS1215 (Intro to Computer Sci II) online course, in the instruction page on WebCTfor the mid-term it states “Be sure to read the instruction page in the WebCT mid-term link before beginning the exam”. Am I missing something here, or is Mrs. Scott being loopy again?

As Quickly As It Began, It Was Over

Well… I went to my ITIS2300 Exam today. 10:53 – Arrive in Atkins 126 11:01 – Exams distributed 11:06 – Exam start signaled 11:17 – Exam complete and turned in The exam was 5 “short” answer essay questions. By “short” he meant tiny. No complete sentances were needed, “list 3” or “list 5” was the […]

Text Book Authors on Crack

Discreet Mathematics, 6e, page 226, problem 18: “How many round trips are there of the form Oz-Mid Earth-Fantasy Island-Mid Earth-Oz ?” ok, I know these computer sci people are like major nerds, but what the fuck?

She Was A Crusty Old Broad

I am no longer sure how to take Dr. Long anymore. Today’s phrase of the day was something to the effect of “She was a crusty old broad” in reference to Grace Hopper, the finder of the first computer bug, and developer of modern programming technology (Mother of COBOL). This would be the image he […]

The Problem with Distance Education

For the past few hours UNCC.edu and its team of servers has been inaccessible. I have a quiz due at some point tommorrow that I currently cant access. I’ve been paitiently waiting for these servers to return to service, but it hasn’t happened yet. It would appear that the primary problem is that the primary […]

Joys of Atkins

Ever since last fall I have been trying to figure out if I have a preference for which building I have class in at UNCC, but to this point I have only formed one opinion… I HATE DENNY! Denny is hot, uncomfortable, has small desks and there is this odd odor that travels through the […]